Source code for

import re
import datetime
import ssl

import shotgun_api3
from vfxClientToolkit.api.config import ConfigBundle
import vfxClientToolkit.api.entities as vfxEntities

ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

cb = ConfigBundle()
CONFIG_DATA = cb.getContexts()

[docs]def getShotgunHandle(): """ Returns `shotgun_api3.Shotgun` object using the API key from the configuration files. Returns: shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun: Configured Shotgun object. """ sg = shotgun_api3.Shotgun(CONFIG_DATA['shotgun']['settings']['server'], script_name=CONFIG_DATA['shotgun']['settings']['script_name'], api_key=CONFIG_DATA['shotgun']['settings']['api_key']) return sg
[docs]def getPlaylists(sg): """ Returns all playlists based on the show specified in the configuration file(s). Args: param1 (shotgun_api3.Shotgun): Shotgun DB Object. Returns: list: List of dictionaries with Shotgun entity information. """ sgPlaylists = sg.find("Playlist", [['', 'is', CONFIG_DATA['shotgun']['settings']['project_name']]], ['code']) playlistObjs = [] for playlist in sgPlaylists: playlistObjs.append(vfxEntities.Playlist(playlist, sg)) playlistObjs.reverse() return playlistObjs
[docs]def getProject(): """ Returns Shotgun dictionary entity based on defined project in configuration file. Returns: dict: Shotgun entity information. """ sgHandle = getShotgunHandle() filters = [ ['name', 'is', CONFIG_DATA['shotgun']['settings']['project_name']] ] fields = ['id', 'name'] sg_project = sgHandle.find_one('Project', filters, fields) return sg_project
[docs]def getSequences(): """ Collects and returns all sequences from the configured Shotgun projet. Returns: list: List of `vfxClientToolkit.api.entities.Sequence` objects. """ seqObjs = [] sg = getShotgunHandle() sequences = sg.find("Sequence", [['', 'is', CONFIG_DATA['shotgun']['settings']['project_name']]], ['code']) for sequence in sequences: seqObjs.append(vfxEntities.Sequence(sequence, sg)) return seqObjs
[docs]def getSequence(sequenceName): """ Returns sequence object based upon specified name. Args: param1 (str): Name of sequence. Returns: vfxClientToolkit.api.entities.Sequence: Sequence object that matches provided name. """ for sequence in getSequences(): if == sequenceName: return sequence
[docs]def getShotsBySequence(sequenceCode): """ Collects and returns list of `vfxClientToolkit.api.entities.Shot` objects that below to provided sequence name. Args: param1 (str): Name of sequence. Returns: list: List of Shot entities. """ sg = getShotgunHandle() shotObjs = [] sgShots = sg.find("Shot", [['', 'is', CONFIG_DATA['shotgun']['settings']['project_name']], ['sg_sequence.Sequence.code', 'is', sequenceCode]], ['code', 'sg_status_list', 'sg_handle', 'sg_vendor', 'sg_head_in', 'sg_tail_out', 'sg_head_in', 'sg_tail_out']) for shotInfo in sgShots: shotObjs.append(vfxEntities.Shot(shotInfo, sg)) return shotObjs
[docs]def getShot(shotName, sg): """ Collects and returns `vfxClientToolkit.api.entities.Shot` object. Args: param1 (str): Name of shot. param2 (shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun): Shotgun handle. Returns: vfxClientToolkit.api.entities.Shot: Shot object. """ sgShot = sg.find("Shot", [['', 'is', CONFIG_DATA['shotgun']['settings']['project_name']], ['code', 'is', shotName]], ['code', 'sg_vendor_groups', 'sg_status_list', 'sg_handle', 'sg_head_in', 'sg_tail_out']) if sgShot != []: shotObj = vfxEntities.Shot(sgShot[0], sg) return shotObj else: return None
[docs]def getVersion(name, sg): """ Collects and returns `vfxClientToolkit.api.entities.Version` object. Args: param1 (str): Name of version. param2 (shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun): Shotgun handle. Returns: vfxClientToolkit.api.entities.Version: Version object. """ fields = getFields("Shot", sg) fields.append("sg_path_to_frames") version = sg.find_one("Version", [['code', 'is', name]], fields) versionObj = vfxEntities.Version(version, sg) if version == None: return None else: return versionObj
[docs]def getVersionsByAttr(attrs, sg): """ Returns list of `vfxClientToolkit.api.entities.Version` objects that match the attribute filter provided. Args: param1 (list): Filter attribute. param2 (shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun): Shotgun handle. Returns: list: Version objects in list that match filter criteria. """ fields = getFields("Version", sg) versionObjs = [] versions = sg.find("Version", [['', 'is', CONFIG_DATA['shotgun']['settings']['project_name']], attrs], fields) for version in versions: versionObjs.append(vfxEntities.Version(version, sg)) return versionObjs
[docs]def getShotsByAttr(attrs, sg): """ Returns list of `vfxClientToolkit.api.entities.Version` objects that match the attribute filter provided. Args: param1 (list): Filter attribute. param2 (shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun): Shotgun handle. Returns: list: Version objects in list that match filter criteria. """ fields = getFields("Shot", sg) shotObjs = [] shots = sg.find("Shot", [['', 'is', CONFIG_DATA['shotgun']['settings']['project_name']], attrs], fields) for shot in shots: shotObjs.append(vfxEntities.Shot(shot, sg)) return shotObjs
[docs]def getFields(entityName, sg): """ Returns list of entity attributes based on the provided entity type. Args: param1 (str): Entity name. param2 (shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun): Shotgun handle. Returns: list: List of entity attributes. """ allFields = [] fields = sg.schema_field_read(entityName) for field in fields: allFields.append(field) return allFields
[docs]def createPlaylist(name, versions): """ Creates playlist and adds provided versions to newly created list. Args: param1 (str): Name of playlist (note: this should have the date provided in the following notation YYYYMMDD). param2 (list): List of `vfxClientToolkit.api.entities.Version` objects. Returns: vfxClientToolkit.api.entities.Playlist: Newly created playlist object. """ sgHandle = getShotgunHandle() now = matchObj = re.match(str(name), "([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])_(.+)") if matchObj != None: name = "{0}_{1}".format(matchObj.groups()[1], matchObj.groups()[0]) versions_list = [{'type' : 'Version', 'id' : x } for x in versions] project = sgHandle.find("Project", [['name', 'is', CONFIG_DATA['shotgun']['settings']['project_name']]]) data = { 'project': { 'type' : 'Project' , 'id' : project[0]['id'] } , 'code' : name , 'description' : "" , 'versions' : versions_list , 'sg_date_and_time' : now } playlist = sgHandle.create("Playlist",data) return playlist
[docs]def getPlate(plateName, sg): """ Collects plate from Shotgun. Args: param1 (str): Plate name. param2 (shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun): Shotgun handle. Returns: dict: Shotgun dictionary with entity info. """ sgPlate = sg.find("Plate", [['', 'is', CONFIG_DATA['shotgun']['settings']['projectName']], ['code', 'is', plateName]], ['code']) return sgPlate
[docs]def createDeliveryEntity(title, addressedTo, deliveryMethod, sg): """ Creates delivery entitiy in Shotgun. Args: param1 (str): Delivery title. param2 (str):shotgun.Shotgun): Addressed to. param3 (str): Delivery method. param4 (shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun): Shotgun handle. Returns: dict: Shotgun dictionary with entity info. """ project = sg.find("Project", [['name', 'is', CONFIG_DATA['shotgun']['settings']['project_name']]]) data = { 'title': title, 'addressings_to': addressedTo, 'sg_delivery_method': deliveryMethod, 'project': {'type' : 'Project' , 'id' : project[0]['id']} } entity = sg.create("Delivery", data) return entity
[docs]def getAllDeliveries(sg): """ Returns all delivery entities in Shotgun. Args: param1 (shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun): Shotgun handle. Returns: dict: Shotgun dictionary with entity info. """ deliveries = sg.find("Delivery", [['', 'is', CONFIG_DATA['shotgun']['settings']['project_name']]], ['code']) indices = [] for delivery in deliveries: indices.append(delivery['id']) indices.sort() indices.reverse() if indices == []: return 1 else: return indices[0]
[docs]def schemaRead(entityType, fieldName): """ Returns all delivery entities in Shotgun. Args: param1 (shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun): Shotgun handle. Returns: dict: Shotgun dictionary with entity info. """ sgHandle = getShotgunHandle() schema = sgHandle.schema_field_read(entityType, fieldName) values = schema['sg_status_list']['properties']['display_values']['value'] return values
[docs]def getVendors(): """ Returns all delivery entities in Shotgun. Args: param1 (shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun): Shotgun handle. Returns: dict: Shotgun dictionary with entity info. """ sgHandle = getShotgunHandle() fields = ['id', 'name', "permission_rule_set", "firstname", "lastname", "tags"] filters = [ ["permission_rule_set", "is", {'id': 13, 'name': 'Vendor', 'type': 'PermissionRuleSet'}] ] vendors = sgHandle.find("HumanUser", filters, fields) vendorObjs = [] for vendor in vendors: vendorObjs.append(vfxEntities.Vendor(vendor, sgHandle)) return vendorObjs
if __name__ == "__main__": print(getVendors()[3].info) pass